Take your performance to the next level

Your body is capable of so many incredible things - growing, healing, strengthening, and flourishing.

You already possess everything you need to set yourself up for success but getting your body’s foundational natural resources to work optimally can take some coaching and guidance.

“I've been working with Brett for over 9 months. My goal was to learn and apply a holistic set of practices to improve my overall performance, both body and mind. Brett took the time to understand me and my needs. The program has been dynamic, practical, and highly effective. I'm stronger in ways I didn't anticipate when I began working with Brett.”

-Paul C. (Canada)

You already know that essential elements such as getting enough sleep, using breathing techniques and implementing movement and exercise into your routine are beneficial to your overall health and wellness. However, getting started on the right track and knowing how to implement a structured program can often be overwhelming.

Perhaps you’re not feeling as strong, vibrant or functional as you’re used to or maybe your doctor has already told you that you need to fit more exercise and sleep into your day. You’re possibly looking for a long-term plan that you can adapt to and integrate into your unique lifestyle incrementally instead of taking a more drastic, ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to well-being.

If this resonates with you, you could be the perfect fit for Somavive’s Human Performance Consultation.

Your personalized wellness blueprint

Somavive’s Human Performance Consultation allows you to draw on a specially trained coach's knowledge when you feel like you need extra support or guidance on building better performance habits.

You'll enjoy one-on-one time with your very own coach over a video call, where you'll be able to ask your most pressing questions, look to someone experienced for support and put together a personalized strategy that will get you on the path to overall health and wellness.

After your call, your coach will deliver valuable materials for you to work with on Somavive’s innovative app so you can track and refer back to your resources when you need to.

The app also allows you to schedule your consultations at a time that is convenient for you and, most importantly, because it’s all done online, you can have your consultation from anywhere you are.

“I have a muscle-wasting disease called myositis. Over the 20 years I've struggled with it, it's been difficult for me to participate in physical therapy and 'normal' exercise programs because there are unique aspects to the disease's effect on me. BFR enables me, with Brett's knowledge and experience, to commit to a program that is targeted to my needs.”

-Marianne M. (United States)

Enjoy the benefits of coaching at your fingertips

The Human Performance Consultation simply revolves around performance. Improving your ability for your body to function at an optimal level isn't only related to how well you exercise. Foundational elements of sleep, breathing and movement are examples of how the body’s overall well-being can be improved by managing these additional domains. The consultation can cover any of the following essential services or we can help you if you aren't sure where to start as you work toward establishing proactive performance habits:


Sleep education and application

Learn how your body can get better rest and strategize a way to get your sleep back on track.


Movement education and programming

Understand the foundational principles of healthy movement and learn how getting yourself on to a program to move your body through ranges of motion can help to improve your overall health and well-being.

Breathing education and programming

Learn the basic principles and benefits of proper breathing and how you can apply this to your daily life to improve your energy and overall performance.


Aerobic programming

Learn about the benefits of exercising with a heart rate monitor. Understand how to apply heart rate zone training to exercise at specific intensities to optimize individual performance and wellness.

Heart rate variability – monitoring and application

Gain insight into individualizing how to apply productive stress and rest principles to your unique situation.


BFR Programming

Receive extra guidance with applying BFR to your training or receive additional consultation time for those who are in the BFR Guided Training Program.

An opportunity of a lifetime.

Somavive’s Human Performance Consultation is an opportunity for you to be proactive about your well-being with professional guidance and support when you need it most.

Our method is to strategically put the right amount of stress on the body to allow it to slowly adapt over time to build strength, endurance, and resilience and complementing that with resting and recovery strategies (stretching, breathing, etc) to allow you to thrive.

Charged at $125 per hour, you are in complete control of when and how often you use this service, so you can rest assured that you're taking the necessary steps to get the most out of your investment into optimal living.