Choose to Move

We launched our Choose to Move initiative this week to help people develop and continue in regular movement habits. There is also a fundraiser tied in through the event for The Myositis Association as May is Myositis Awareness month.

We’ve been working with clients through our platform for the last several years who have myositis and we want to continue to support ongoing efforts to assist this community.

We also opened up our store this week which includes Choose to Move shirts as well that can be purchased as a part of the event. We look forward to moving together in the month of May! Stay tuned as their will be more information to come over the next several weeks.

Brett Burton

With an extensive background in physical therapy, sports medicine and performance, Brett has had the opportunity to work with international leaders in the health and fitness space. Licensed in Physical Therapy, a Certified Athletic Trainer, a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy and a B Strong Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training Instructor, Brett is on a mission to revolutionize the health and fitness experience for people from all walks of life.

Building Healthy Habits


Ongoing Proactive Performance: A new category of wellness services